When you’ve gone to the trouble and expense of having a decking area built, you want to be able to use it during pleasant evenings as well as during the daytime. But how do you light your decking if it doesn’t have an electricity supply?
Lighting solutions for garden decking Surrey
Garden centres and camping shops offer a good selection of solar powered lighting that’s perfect for use on patios. Solar powered lights aren’t tremendously powerful, so position them for maximum effect near seating and eating areas, and remember to illuminate dark corners too.
Battery powered LED lights usually offer a much brighter glow than solar powered ones, and can be bought in many different forms, including strings of fairy lights, candles, and lanterns.
Strings of coloured lights can be hung around the edge of the decking or twined through the balustrades to give a pretty ambient touch. Lanterns have the advantage of versatility; you can place them as freestanding light sources on tables or hang them from overhanging trees.
Although the batteries you’ll need for this form of lighting may seem expensive, they do last quite a long time, and you can economise by using rechargeable ones.
A romantic ambiance can be provided by lighting your timber decking with candles and tea lights. Be sure to buy containers that will shield candle flames from the wind, and choose colours to blend with your outdoor décor scheme. The best place to put candles is on tables to light your dining experience or grouped together in dark corners to drive away shadows.
Naked flames obviously present a fire risk, so always keep candles shielded inside containers, and have a bucket of sand or water on hand in case of a fire.
Fire pits and garden decking Surrey
A really good way of lighting your decking is by using a portable, self-contained fire pit. These features come in the form of small metal or clay bowl-shaped containers set on legs. You simply build a small fire of logs or charcoal inside the bowl, which can also be used to cook on. If you don’t want the hassle of cleaning the fire pit out after every use, you might want to consider buying the propane fuelled version.
In conclusion
These are just a few ideas for lighting your decking in the evenings without the need for an electrical supply. All the items mentioned above can be bought at garden centres, DIY stores and camping shops.